外资(欧美) 500-1000人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
外资(欧美) 500-1000人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
Kerry is a world leader in Taste and Nutrition systems serving the Food and Beverage industry, and a leading supplier of value-added brands and customer branded foods to the Irish and UK markets. We have annualised sales in excess of ?5.8 billion and employ over 23,000 people globally. Founded in 1972 in Co. Kerry, Ireland, the Group has grown organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions and has succeeded in achieving sustained profitability.凯爱瑞集团是一家服务于全球食品与饮料行业的领先供应商,为全世界的客户提供优质的风味与营养为己任。我们的年销售额超过58亿欧元,并在全球拥有超过23000名员工。凯爱瑞于1972年建立于爱尔兰Kerry,如今,凯爱瑞集团持续的营业增长和一系列的战略收购保证着集团的长期的可持续性盈利。We supply over 15,000 food ingredients and flavour products to customers in more than 140 countries worldwide. We have established manufacturing facilities in 24 different countries and international sales offices in 20 other countries across the globe.凯爱瑞集团为全球140多个国家的客户供应超过15000种食品配料或香精产品。我们在全球不同国家建立有24个生产基地和超过20个销售办公室。Kerry has been present in the Asia-Pacific region since 1997 and has grown its business to become a supplier of choice for our regional and local customers. With our Regional Headquarters and Global Technology & Innovation Centre located in Singapore, Kerry employs nearly 3,500 talented people in manufacturing sites and sales offices in 16 countries across the APAC region.凯爱瑞于1997年开始发展亚太区业务,如今已成长为无数区域与当地客户的主要供应商。我们将亚太区总部和区域技术研发与创新中心设立在新加坡。超过3500位优秀的员工为我们亚太区16个国家的生产基地和销售办公室辛勤工作着。Kerry prides itself on continuous innovation, technological creativity and business excellence in every area of the business, striving to enhance leadership positions in our consumer foods business and across global food and ingredients markets.凯爱瑞集团致力于每一个业务的技术创新、科技研发和业务开拓,不断巩固我们在全球食品和配料业务的领先地位。We are looking for people with ambition, vision and a commitment to excellence in a dynamic business environment to achieve and sustain this growth on a long-term basis. In return, we offer stimulating and rewarding careers from employee to management to leadership levels.我们希望我们的员工胸怀抱负、心怀憧憬,并能够在快速变化的业务环境中不断追求卓越,最终达到并持续这样的长期增长与发展。作为回报,从普通职员、管理层,直到最高领导层,我们都将提供具有竞争性职业发展规划。中文网站 : www.kerrychina.com.cn